India travel seminar: Holy ground

On Sunday we attended Wesley Church Ramkote in Hyderabad and were generously invited to participate in the Sunday service. In the reading from Exodus, God commands Moses to remove his sandals as he is standing on holy ground. I smile as I reflect on all the sacred sites we have walked together this past week, usually with bare or socked feet. During the service we are each called by name and presented with a bouquet of red and yellow roses; once again, we are recipients of the overflow of love for God.
Dr. James Taneti served with the elders and sang along with hymns in Telugu, his native language.

Student Erin Burt (3rd from left) conveyed gratitude and sent greetings from all at UPSem.

Student Linda Fox read from Exodus.

Alumnus Christopher Tweel read from Mark.
After the service, we chatted with some teenage congregants. The new sanctuary will house up to 10,000! Rev. Daniel invited us to his home and we were served an exquisite lunch, made all the sweeter for the warmth of welcome. Truly I have never experienced hospitality like this, and it is humbling to receive such generosity and care.

Lunch at Rev. Daniel’s home.

Our generous hosts, who also packed a picnic dinner for our train ride.

In Hyderabad, the world’s tallest monolith Buddha.
It is hard saying good-bye to Hyderabad. We rode the overnight train to Bangalore. The excitement of traveling in bunk cots was countered by the rhythm of the train and our own tiredness, as we were rocked gently to sleep. In the morning India greeted us in Bangalore and reminded us again of the sacred ground on which we travel.

On the train in our bunk cots.

Almost ready for lights out on the train.
Top image: Wesley Church Ramkote in Hyderabad.
Marina Luckhoo is a Master of Divinity student at Union Presbyterian Seminary.