APCE 2019: Anticipation

What will the 2019 Annual Event of the Association of Presbyterian Christian Educators be like? Who will we meet? What will we learn? What will we bring back to inform our own ministry settings? How is God active in the ministry and vocation of Christian educators? What is the Spirit doing to make waves in trends of Christian faith formation?
As we traveled to Galveston, Texas, for the 2019 APCE Annual Event, we were brimming with anticipation (There’s nothing like sitting on the runway for 45 minutes in a stationary plane to build anticipation!). Questions like the ones listed above were stirring in our minds. Some of us are attending the event for the first time while others are returning to the event for a second or third time. While we are unsure of what to expect from the next few days full of plenaries, workshops, worship, and fellowship opportunities, we are waiting in joyful anticipation of the unfolding events.
Some of our Charlotte campus classmates are here, as well as faculty and staff members from both UPSem campuses. More UPSem friends will arrive in Galveston tomorrow! We are excited to connect and reconnect throughout this weekend of learning and fellowshipping with one another.
Stay tuned for more updates from UPSem students as we begin diving deeper into APCE 2019!
Jayme Babczak is a 3rd-year dual degree student (M.Div./ M.A.C.E.) at the Richmond campus of Union Presbyterian Seminary.