Full-Time Installed Minister–First Presbyterian Church–Huntsville, TN

First Presbyterian Church of Huntsville, TN (FPCH) seeks a full-time installed minister. Our congregation of approximately 65 members is located in a small East Tennessee town in the Cumberland Mountains, about an hour’s drive northwest of Knoxville. Our surrounding community has strong public schools, outstanding outdoor recreational opportunities, and a caring Appalachian heart. Ever thankful for God’s gift of salvation, we seek to live lives of grace, gratitude, and generosity.Consequently, our members are engaged in the community and seek to serve others throughout our region. Through long-standing relationships with local agencies, we work diligently to address the root causes of poverty and serve the needs of our community in multiple arenas. We have also worked with national and international organizations beyond our local borders, including One Great Hour of Sharing, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, Alliance for International Reforestation, and Zambia Medical Mission. Many of our congregants are employed or volunteer in local education, government, health care, justice, and not-for-profit sectors.While we are pleased with our mission focus and intend to continue our current ministry, we want to do more. Consequently, we seek a minister who will focus on the congregation’s spiritual gifts and provide leadership and direct guidance according to those gifts as we minister to our congregants and the broader community, actively engage with our community, strengthen us spiritually and relationally, and provide supportive, essential pastoral care. Furthermore, we started a youth program two years ago that is integral to our long-term mission, and we expect our new minister to participate actively in youth activities.We seek a minister who will continue and build upon our current mission, youth, worship, and music programs by working with our congregational staff, leadership, and members. These programs are already in place, but we desire a minister who will seek new opportunities for growth in each of these program offerings and facilitate our successes.We expect the new minister will work diligently and compassionately with our congregation and community to fulfill our mission and actively engage in church activities (including leading weekly worship), direct our youth group program, work with our congregation’s leadership to develop mission-oriented programs, engage with the community through outreach and membership development, oversee staff and programs (facilitating our congregants’ use of spiritual gifts), and actively engage in pastoral care. Compensation would include a cash salary (commensurate with experience and education), a housing allowance, and benefits.

For more information about FPCH, please visit https://www.firstpreshuntsville.org/. You may view our full MDP at https://clc.pcusa.org/mdp/11099/view/. Please email us at firstpresb@highland.net if interested.