Thanks for coming to Sprunt Lectures!

Over 200 alumni, friends, students, faculty, and staff registered and attended our annual Sprunt Lectures, May 6-8, 2019, on the Richmond campus. See just some of the photos taken throughout the event. Dr. John J. Collins, Professor of Old Testament at Yale Divinity School, spoke on the theme, “What Are Biblical Values?,” reviewing biblical understandings of right to life, gender, the environment, and social justice.

Dr. John J. Collins, Holmes Professor of Old Testament Criticism and Interpretation, Yale Divinity School, delivered the four Sprunt Lectures on the theme, “What Are Biblical Values?”

Preaching in worship was Dr. Lance Watson (M.A.’86), of Saint Paul’s Baptist Church in Richmond. The Rev. Anna George Traynham (M.Div.’14), of Central Presbyterian Church in Atlanta, was worship leader. Dr. Lewis Galloway (D.Min.’77, Th.M.’79) spoke for the Alumni Luncheon.

Dr. Lance Watson (M.A.’86) was the preacher for the 2019 Sprunt Lectures.

The Rev. Anna George Traynham (M.Div. ’14) served as worship leader during the Sprunt Lectures.

Dr. Harry Simmons, center (M.A.’84) was named the 2019 BAA Trailblazer of the Year, shown here with the Rev. Delano Douglas, left (M.Div.’04, Th.M.’11), president of the BAA, and Dr. Brian K. Blount, president of UPSem.

Dr. Dean Thompson, center (B.D.’69, Th.M.’70, Ph.D.’74) was recognized as the 2019 Distinguished Alumnus, shown here with his wife, Rebecca Thompson, and UPSem president, Dr. Brian K. Blount.

Dr. Lewis Galloway (D.Min.’77, Th.M.’79) addressed the annual Alumni Luncheon in the James Holderness Dining Room, Richmond Hall, speaking on “At Such a Time as This.”

Dr. Harry Simmons (M.A.’84) was honored as the Black Alumni Association Trailblazer of the Year and Dr. Dean Thompson (B.D.’69, Th.M.’70, Ph.D.’74) was named 2019 Distinguished Alum.

The Alumni Office appreciates the evaluations so many of you have shared with us!

The lecturer, John Collins, said to Sam Adams, “I go to a lot of seminaries and colleges where the buildings are tired, and there is little energy. This time at Union has been such a refreshing and wonderful experience. The campus and buildings look great, and the community seems more on the upswing. That is a rarity these days in theological education.”

We encourage you to send news of your life and ministry to the Alumni Associate, Jill Wright, at We love hearing from you! Also, check out our alumni web page.

Come join us for the Sprunt Lectures next May 4-6, 2020, here in Richmond!

W. Clay Macaulay (D.Min.’85)
Director of Alumni Development

Top photo: Dr. J.A. Ross MacKenzie, former UTS professor of church history, is greeted by alumnus Dr. Charles Raynal (B.D.’69) in Watts Chapel prior to a lecture.