A God Given Mind

By Rev. Sandra Caldwell-Williams (Union Presbyterian Seminary, M.Div., M.A.C.E. ’06)

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”  2 Timothy 1:7 (NKJV)

Many are in a season of uncertainty, unfamiliarity and unrest.  A season of so many questions, yet so few answers; a spirit of scarcity appears to prevail amid great abundance; a time when parents do not know what to do with their own children for four consecutive days when schools are closed.   The technologically savvy can’t google an answer to the question regarding COVID-19 and people are hoarding water, disinfectant wipes, toilet paper, paper towels and bleach.  Even in the midst of panic, there are those who seek to capitalize on the fear and doubt of fellow human beings by stock piling paper products and cleaning agents in rented storage units and then selling them to the panic stricken at exorbitant prices, with little or no conscience, compassion or consideration.

Church doors are ordered closed and worshippers cannot assemble in the house of God…but, as the people of God, we should be reminded that our assembly in God’s house is not the only place or time that God’s children can lift their voices in worship and praise!

For many African Americans we recall our fore-parents’ recollection of the churches in the bush harbor…down by the river, in the woods, when the enslaved Africans and their families had to turn down a washtub and use it as a drum while  shouting, dancing and praising God around that washtub.  That dance (ring shout) around the tub started slowly with barely a whisper of a song, as black feet covered with the dust of their journey into the woods moved around the tub, clapping hands, singing a song that made sense only to those who had experienced the same journey.  Though the enslaved Africans could not read, they heard the Biblical stories of the Israelites enslavement; Moses, assigned by God as the deliverer and their journey out of captivity to the Promised Land. Hearing these biblical stories planted a seed of hope in their heart, mind and spirit, as they danced around the tub in the bush harbor.

For centuries, Africans in America sought and still seek the promises of God; more than seeking God’s promises, we hold on to the promises of God. For “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” (2 Timothy 1:7 KJV).  Now, in this season, when many are filled with fear, we must lean on the promises of God, more than ever!  The Scriptures continually remind us of God’s gifts to us, and in this season, we must internalize more than ever God’s promises. 2 Timothy 1:7 tells us that the negative impulse of fear is not a gift from God, nor is it a part of our spiritual DNA.  God has given us power; power to withstand and overcome whatever we must journey through.  COVID-19 appears to be powerful, but God is all-powerful, almighty!

There are individuals who have turned inward and act in selfish ways, rather than allowing agape love to flow through them to others.  We cannot allow evil and negative thoughts to dominate our actions or mind.  We must remember, “…God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”