Emeritus Professor Lamar Williamson Jr. dies

RICHMOND, VA (July 11, 2020) – Rev. Dr. Lamar Williamson Jr, Professor Emeritus of Biblical Studies at Union Presbyterian Seminary, died peacefully today at Highland Farms in Black Mountain, North Carolina, according to a statement from the Presbytery of Western North Carolina. He was 93.
Revelation 14:13 (NRSV) And I heard a voice from heaven saying, “Write this: Blessed are the dead who from now on die in the Lord.” “Yes,” says the Spirit, “they will rest from their labors, for their deeds follow them.”
Word has just been received that the Rev. Dr. Lamar Williamson, Jr. died peacefully this afternoon, July 11, 2020 at Highland Farms in Black Mountain, NC. Born on July 24, 1926, Lamar was a missionary, teacher, scholar, pastor, activist and friend who served the church and the world God so loved with a marvelous compassion and persistence. Please hold his children Ruth Simmons, Martha, Fred, and Allen Williamson in your prayers, as you give thanks for this good and faithful servant.
Photo provided by April Swofford.